🎉 Bible Notify for Android v4.10 is now available.

Daily Scripture verse notifications for Android & desktop.

Get random, daily Bible verse notifications from a selection of 150+ inspirational Scriptures.

Bible notify on Android and desktop
No ads or trackers

Absolutely no ads, no trackers, no nonsense.

Runs offline

Both mobile & desktop versions run offline.

Open source

100% free & open source, GPL-3.0 license.

Set when to send the notification

Set the time of day Bible Notify will send you the verse notification each day —right down to the minute, if you so desire.

Recieve random Scripture verses

Recieve random verse notifications from a selection of 150+ inspiring verses from the Scriptures on your desktop or mobile device.

Read the full verse chapter in the built-in reader

Simply tap/click on the notification to read the chapter in which the verse is found in Bible Notify's built-in reader. Or, click the randomize button to read a random chapter.

Free & open-source software.

Bible Notify is a public, GPL-3.0 licensed open-source project hosted on GitHub. The project is maintained by various contributors and provided freely for the edification of believers.

Get Bible Notify.

Bible Notify is available for Windows, Linux, macOS and Android

Bible Notify for Android

Android App

Get the Android app from Google Play, F-droid or Uptodown.

Bible verse notifications, 150+ Scriptures to your mobile device.

Currently v4.10. Download the latest source code here.

Desktop Application

Download the fully-featured desktop version of Bible Notify.

Daily Scripture notifications to your Windows, Linux or macOS PC

Currently v0.2.0. Download the latest source code here.

Bible Notify for Desktop